Your Questions Answered
Interested in learning more about the sport of skydiving? Want to now what it's like to freefall at 120mph? Can't decide whether you should take the leap or not?
We've got you covered! Check out our collection of skydiving articles written just for you! Let our experienced skydiving staff answer some of your burning questions, ease your mind, and help you make informed decisions about planning your upcoming skydive.
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2013 | All Categories
Jun 30
Tips for Skydiving in Cold Weather
Skydivers love to jump, but preparing to jump during the winter months is much different than jumping during the summer months. Some tips to help you jump safely in cold weather.
Jun 15
Falling vs Flying
Once you've earned your A-license the skydiving world is your oyster! Prepare to start learning tons, no matter what discipline you enter! Here we discuss your first major step of upping your skill to go from falling to FLYING !
May 30
Let's Talk About Tracking
Tracking away from a formation is a valuable and necessary skill to keep both yourself and those you're jumping with, safe. Learn the intricacies of tracking!
May 15
Arrive Alive - 10 Tips To Keep You Alive
There is so much to learn in this amazing sport of ours! Even if you have 5,000 or 10,000 jumps, there's always something new. We chatted with several highly experienced jumpers and asked them to share some of their wisdom.... the points in this article are invaluable!
May 1
Balancing Skydiving and Life
How do you balance your passion and everyday life? When you get hooked to something as amazing as skydiving, it can be all encompassing.
Apr 15
Let’s Talk about Patterns
Flying a correct landing pattern is necessary to ensure you and those around you are safe! Some tips and thoughts about flying a good landing pattern!
Apr 1
Having Fun as a Couple: Skydiving Together
Looking to get more out of your two-way skydives? We offer some tips and drills to help you go beyond the typical zoo dive!
Mar 15
Skydiving with an Action Camera
If skydiving, you'll want to capture every angle of your skydive... and you should. Some insider thoughts about jumping with an action cam and the dangers it can pose.
Mar 1
What is Jump Run?
Thoughts on jump run, exit order and staying safe! Some jump run fundamentals every skydivers should know!
Feb 15
Buying Your First Rig: What To Know
You've just finished your AFF course and see the cost of renting a rig requires another hit to the credit card. Should you buy new gear? Not just yet.
Feb 1
Learning To FreeFly
Think you're ready for free flying? Here are a few things to think about before going all out!
Jan 15
Skydiving Fun Facts
Skydiving isn't in the world's spotlight as much as other extreme sports, but the records are mind-blowing. Click to learn more about the amazing facts about skydiving!
Jan 2
The History of Skydiving
Though the sport of skydiving is young, the history of how it began goes as far back as 1100!
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