How Dangerous is Tandem Skydiving?

Published: May 25, 2016

At Skydive Long Island, we love offering first time tandem skydives over Long Island. An ideal choice for first-timers, tandem skydiving allows you to enjoy the incredible rush of freefall without extensive training or prior qualifications (thanks to an experienced instructor who is with you every step of the way).

If you are considering tandem skydiving or have already booked a tandem skydive, it's natural to wonder about the potential risks involved. While we recognize that skydiving isn't a perfectly safe sport, we think you'll be encouraged to learn why skydiving is the safest it's ever been.

Tandem Skydiving - The Stats.

In the most recent statistics available (2014), the USPA recorded 24 fatal skydiving accidents. With over 3.2 million jumps total in the year, the fatality rate was 0.0075 in 1,000.

The USPA (United States Parachute Association) is the US governing body for the sport of skydiving. They oversee safety guidelines for skydiving, as well as record injuries and fatality statistics for the purpose of monitoring safety.

Tandem skydiving has consistently proven to be even safer than general skydiving. Over the past ten years, there have been 0.003 student fatalities per 1,000 tandem jumps.

The USPA's statistics don't just show how safe skydiving is, but that it's getting safer. This is due in part to the diligence of skydivers under the guidance of the USPA.

Tandem Skydiving in Long Island NY

Tandem Instructors - The Requirements.

To even begin the process of attaining a tandem instructor rating, individuals must have a bare minimum of three years in the sport of skydiving and 500 jumps completed.

Gaining a USPA tandem instructor rating involves a lot of training for a series of tough evaluations and exams.

Make sure you choose a USPA approved drop zone to guarantee an instructor of this calibre.

Tandem Equipment - The Technology.

Skydiving equipment has undergone a technological transformation over the years, with many engineering innovations.

All skydiving 'rigs', tandem included, contain two parachutes. A 'main' parachute and a 'reserve' parachute. If required, the instructor can release a malfunctioning main and deploy the even more dependable reserve.

All tandem equipment is fitted with an automatic activation device (AAD). An AAD monitors descent rate and altitude. In the unlikely event the parachute cannot be deployed, the AAD automatically releases it.

The improved technology and the increasing skill and knowledge of those wearing it is what's making skydiving safer than ever.

The Student's Part in Safety

As the one strapped in front, you also have a role to play in ensuring your safety.

Before you ever leave the ground, it's important that you are 100% honest about the information you provide on the forms and waivers you fill out. We know you really want to jump, however if you have a health problem and fail to disclose it, that adds considerable risk.

It's also important that you pay close attention during your skydiving brief so you know all the appropriate body positions and what is expected of you at each stage of the skydive to avoid injury, particularly on landing.

Convinced It's Worth It?

If you're ready to make your first skydive over Long Island with one of our highly experienced tandem instructors - book online today. If you still have questions, please contact us directly and a staff member will be pleased to assist you.

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Thank you so much staff from Skydive Long Island, I will definitely jump with you guys again!

» Jessica R.

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